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Editing & Reading Services

~ If you walk away with a version of your story you couldn’t be prouder of, then my mission is accomplished.

My Services: PB - Adult, Fiction - Nonfiction

My Services
Big Picture Editing

I get to the heart of your story. Plot holes be gone. Contrivances make way for your masterpiece!

Substantive Editing

Big Picture + Line Editing. I’ll dig deep into the developmental elements, flow, and mechanics of your work. Not only will my focus be on your areas of concern but also your strengths.

Line Editing

Let’s be honest. At this point, there’s not a thing I could say to get you to go through another amazing rewrite. You know your story and characters are on point. What you need is a focus on the mechanics of your work.

Sensitivity & Beta Reading

Need a low-cost test reading of your work? Or are you wondering if you’re about to get lit on fire because of the way you portrayed a non-white character? Stop guessing. Let’s work together on this.

Copyediting / Copy Editing

Two words: Consistency and Accuracy

Submission Packages

You’ve made your list of agents or publishers. You’ve checked it twice, and now, you’re ready to polish up what’s working and what needs improvement before you send off your hard work.


Even though overlooked errors happen in publishing all the time, they can still affect the integrity of a work. That’s where the patience and fine-tuning skills of a proofreader come in.


If you need help coming up with an idea, fleshing out your vision, or just talking about your struggles in writing, I can be there for you. Let's work through it with open communication.

Queries & Synopses

We all know how important queries and synopses are in the publishing process… Enough said.


“Isabelle, thank you for your help in making this idea of mine come to life. I couldn't have done it without your insightful critiques and enthusiasm.”

Lindsey R. Loucks
USA Today Bestselling Author of

The Grave Winner


Ready to find out more?

Trusting others with your words is necessary for the publishing process, but it isn't always easy. So, if you'd like to receive a free sample edit for your first five pages (about 1250 words) before we collaborate further, then click on the link below. I look forward to helping you in any way I can.

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